Fifteen seniors from the East Lyme High School Anthropology Class were busy this fall at the site of the barn foundation to the east of the Thomas Lee House. The barn burned down in the 1950’s but earlier had been used for cows and farming.

Their teacher, Willard Reed, had them set up a grid and then scrape the soil searching for artifacts from the farm. They also did some test pits around another foundation. Items that were found were put in plastic bags and labeled to be taken back to the lab at the high school. There they will clean the items and try to figure what the item is and how it was used.
Each fall and spring a class goes out into the field in different areas of town looking to uncover the past. Over the years they have been to the Lee House a couple of times and also across the street at the original site of the Little Boston School. Some of the items that were found there are displayed in the school. In the spring we hope to have some of the items that were found this year on display.