East Lyme Historical Society

Notes from the East Lyme Archives

A few months ago mention was made of the Archive Group working on documenting old mill sites in East Lyme. Eighteen sites have been located so far, the last found being a sawmill on the lower east side of the Four Mile River. We have filed and inventoried the information and it is available for viewing in the Archive Room of the East Lyme Public Library, Mondays between 10:00 a.m. and noon. More information will be added to these files as we gather it.

Our next project is to document the original nine schoolhouses in East Lyme. We are fortunate to have photos of a few of them.  Starting in the 1880s, the town Annual Report listed each district and the progress for the year. It also listed the number of children, teachers and their pay,and many interesting events. We are developing a file for each school, with information about it. If you know of any stories of any of these schools, we would very much like to add them to the files. Please contact us here.

Elizabeth Kuchta, East Lyme Library Archive Supervisor

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